
2021-01-19: Certification day and coronavirus updates

New today is a snippet about a scientist's letter condeming inquiry about artificial origins of SARS-CoV-2, courtesy The Epoch Times.

Also, an interview describing network manipulation during the election, from OANN.

2021-01-16: FISA transcripts search engine

You can now search the recently-released Senate documents about FISA abuse at this site:

The site also includes links to the full documents if you want to download them yourself.

2020-12-07: Ware County, Georgia audit shows evidence of vote-flipping

An audit in Ware County, Georgia has surfaced evidence of vote-flipping by their voting machines. Listen to the audio interview and read the press-release in the full article.

2020-12-06: Mail-in batches having exact same vote ratios, and machines's design allows for fraud

Another bit of statistical evidence of election fraud is that, after a certain point, several batches of mail-in ballots had the exact same ratio of votes for Trump versus votes for Biden.

I've also added a presentation from Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai explaining how the design of the election machines allows for fraud.

2020-12-02: Evidence of fraud: leading digits (Benford's Law)

Yesterday I added information from several analysts that shows that Biden's vote totals violate Benford's Law. This means that the leading digits aren't what they are usually expected to be. For example, a "1" might be expected about 30% of the time, but if it comes up only 10% of the time, that might indicate that totals were changed.

2020-11-30: Statistical evidence of mail-in ballot fraud

I've added a new page where I will collect statistical evidence of fraud.

The first bit of evidence shows red flags about the counting of batches of mail-in ballots.

More will be added in time.

2020-11-27: Evidence of live vote-switching posted

The first page for this site has been published, covering live evidence of vote-switching for the 2020 election. Evidence covers changes in the Kentucky Governor race, as well as the US President race as tallied in Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, and Pennsylvania.

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